Painkiller LOVE

Dim the lights and cue the 1970’s era porno music because there’s a big love-fest going on over here for the one and only Painkiller cocktail.


You’ve read about our visit to the Soggy Dollar Bar and what fun we had relaxing and sipping great rum cocktails on the beautiful shores of White Bay.  Hour after hour slipped by as crowds of happy tourists lined up for Painkiller refills and watched in fascination as Mick whipped up rounds of this iconic drink.  By the end of the day, everyone was in a rum-fueled state of euphoria and there was definitely some Painkiller L-O-V-E in the air.  Here’s what the super-sexy construction of one of these concoctions looks like.  

Warning: This video is bound to make you thirsty…..and maybe even a little drunk.  Enjoy!


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